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Clinical Pharmacist
3 Years of Experience
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An essay is generally a short piece of writing outlining the writer\'s perspective or story. It is often considered synonymous with a story or a paper or an article. Essays can be formal as well as informal. Formal essays are generally academic in nature and tackle serious topics.
Dec 05, Dec 09,+23 more days
Clinical Pharmacist
5 Years of Experience
Clinical pharmacy is the branch of pharmacy in which clinical pharmacists provide direct patient care that optimizes the use of medication and promotes health, wellness, and disease prevention.
Dec 11, Dec 20,+9 more days
Clinical Pharmacist
Years of Experience
Pharmacists monitor the health and progress of patients to ensure the safe and effective use of medication. Pharmacists may practice compounding; however, many medicines are now produced by pharmaceutical companies in a standard dosage and drug delivery form.
Dec 06, Dec 17,+23 more days
Clinical Pharmacist
Years of Experience
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Dec 08, Dec 11,+21 more days